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Work With Us

Real Estate Agents

We want to work with you! 

We’re open to having you represent us on any referral you send our way. Referring a deal to us is EASY – see the form below. Our well-informed and well-researched offers based on proven systems and will put you in a great position to get paid faster with fewer headaches. We work to keep a streamlined process during the transaction after offer acceptance, freeing up your time and energy. Refer a property below!


We look for licensed and insured contractors who are committed to quality work. When working with us, you will find that we are professional, we provide a detailed scope of work on each job, we engage in clear communication, and we love to pay our contractors at each stage of job completion.

Submit your information online by filling out our Contractor Application, and we will follow up with you shortly!

Real Estate Investors

Are you looking to invest in real estate? 

Three Key Property Solutions is looking to partner with investors who want the opportunity to put their money to work earning returns, while providing help to homeowners and improving local communities. Please call us at 904-878-3492 to learn more about the investment options that we offer.